In DAH Theatre’s first-ever solo performance Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, through dealing with the reasons of the loss of an old performance “The Helen Keller Case”, deals with the meaning of loss in general: the loss of senses, the loss of a country, the loss of perceiving reality in a generally accepted way, the loss of identity. [2002]
Through different viewpoints, the personal psyche of the actress who speaks in her own name, and the point of view of the historical but also fictional character of Helen Keller, a kind of a subconscious monologue emerges, expressed through the character of an unusual scientist telling “stories from the void.”
Her stories present the following question: What does the void left by loss contain? What is the meaning of emptiness- absence, or presence of something? Does loss contain the potential for a new life?
The performance is dedicated to Jasmina Blažović, Tomaža Gubenšek, and other friends from the land that no longer exists.
“There is no doubt that in this historical moment Western civilization suffers from a serious spiritual disease. Faced with global chaos, our one hope is to transform ourselves.” – M. Some
“That which is inaudible, untouchable, shapeless, imperishable; as well as tasteless, constant, odorless, without beginning, without end, larger than large, firmly realizing That, you free yourself from the mouth of death.” –
Katha Upanishad, 3.15.