DAH Theatre is a professional theatre troupe and research center. Working at the crossroads between theatre, dance, and the visual arts, through dedicated team work, for 30 years DAH creates daring artistic forms that inspire personal and social transformation.

I watched their performances that celebrate life. I think of courage, dignity, perseverance, artistic finesse and dark matter that transcends the boundaries of art. (…) They were, and remain, butterflies. Like a mystery, I watch them dream, how, flying out the window, they soar straight into History. – Eugenio Barba, director of the ODIN Theater

DAH Theater is one of the most successful and innovative theater troupes in modern history. What makes DAH so remarkable? Their passion and creativity goes far beyond pure performance. – Dennis Barnett, professor of drama and theater, KOI College, USA
June 8. we head to Crete, Heraklion [Greece] where OMMA Studio Theatre and Center of […]
Designed for professionals or students (regardless of training or technique) including: actors, directors, dancers, choreographers. […]
In May, we play our shows – DANCING TREES, Student Park, Belgrade on May 17; […]
On 9-13 April 2024, the second edition of the NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS FESTIVAL, organised by […]
April is marked by the presentations of our open-air DANCING TREES. In Brussels at the […]
The SPECTACOLO Project organises a free international online theatre educational program in the fields of […]
On 2nd of March, at 20h, we perform in PAROBROD Cultural Center THE CONUNDRUM OF […]
At the Winterwerft Festival in Frankfurt, organized by Protagon e.V. we are participating with the […]

The Festival presents works by artists interested in human rights and connect artists and human rights activists with each other and with the wider community. This 3rd edition in 2023, had a theme Standing Up For Another is a Fight For Ourselves, emphasising empathy and compassion, bringing humanity back to the forefront before selfish needs. In 2024, on December 10, we continue with the PROLOG program, which introduces us to the next edition of the Festival, in June 2025.