DAH Theater Research Center has been participating in European projects since 2010, as a project coordinator or implementation partner.

TREES 2024-2026

Raising environmental awareness through Performing Arts Project, supported by Creative Europe Programme, is based on the transfer of the approach of the Dancing Trees project (DAH Theatre) at a European level. It will include the creation of new theatre performances in 6 European countries and he organisation of three international festivals where all the performances are going to be presented in front of the local audience of the hosting country.

HOPE 2024-2026

HOPE stands for History of Peace for Education through Theatre. Its main objective is to develop the capacity of youth workers and educators in Balkan Region to present history in a creative and exciting way in order to teach young people lessons for the future with a focus on peaceful times that were and can be. This ERASMUS + project include international training workshops for youth workers and for young people at local level.

STREATER 2023-2025

Training of Τheatre Workers in Live Streaming. The general objective of the project is to empower the VET sector in the partner countries to develop and provide specialisation courses for theatre professions in the field of live streaming.  As well as the support of the modernisation of VET provision through the use of a competence-based approach, digital tools and closer connection to the private sector and the labour market.

SPECTACOLO 2023-2025

The project aims to develop theatre-specific skills of specific theatre professions (light designers, sound designers, experts related with on demand and live streaming, video art technicians, stage and costume designers, makeup artists), to modernise the vocational education offer in the field of theatre professionals.

HEDA 2022-2024

HEDA Project introduces to the teachers and educators a method through theater that can use it to reflect students on social phenomena, or also social behaviours, to acquire consciousness of society in which they will join and participate, will work and create as responsible, conscious citizens.


The Erasmus Youth, Capacity Building project aims to create a method that will be useful to youth workers/ designers to start their own clothing and fashion business drawing from the tradition of their country with modern means and modern look, avoiding folklore and creating clothes and accessories and contemporary prêt a porte.

ANTIGONE 2021 – 2022

The project is coordinated by DAH Theatre and uses theatre as a tool to tackle the issue of the gender-based violence against women and girls which was particularly increased because of the Covid19 pandemic. The aim of the project is to empower secondary school teachers to organize theatre-based workshops in order to raise awareness related with GBV. Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.


The European peace project is a response to history and its destructions in the 20th Century. The project brings together museum educators, trainers, teachers, theatre makers, and scientists from six countries. Their contributions focus on profound society changes (transformations) and how they are discussed in the present. Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.

FARCE 2020 – 2022

With the Project we seek to find new ways, not simply of helping people understand the climate crisis, but also the part that we, as concerned citizens, can play in changing behaviour and contributing to an overall solution for a healthier planet. Not making light of serious issues, but dealing with them in new thoughtful, humorous and educational contexts. The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.


“Future Academy on Tour in Europe” (FATE) aims to create a connection between new migrants, refugees and EU citizens through artistic training, inclusion and enhancing employment opportunities in the arts sectors.

Supported by Creative Europe Programme.

2020 – 2022

Equality Ambassadors is a project that promotes democracy, equality and human rights through creativity and new digital technologies. It brings together five partner organizations from Ireland, Croatia, Serbia, Greece and Spain, where they work with young people, mostly the marginalized.

2020 – 2022

The goal of the project is building business capacities within the performing arts sector proposing the development of a bespoke, multifaceted entrepreneurship training curriculum that will have specific modules tailored to the needs of 3 distinct groups, namely; Musicians; Dancers; Actors. The project is supported by the EU Erasmus+ Programme.

2019 – 2022

the Arts for Human Rights is a three-year transnational partnership project that uses the creative processes of theater, film and new digital technologies to promote learning and raise awareness of human rights and gender equality across Europe.

WALL JUMPERS – Mauerspringer
2018 – 2020

The project comes from the idea of a “wall” as a division in a social, political and individual sense. The goal is to overcome the walls through art, promote dialogue through creative and artistic experience, choosing the street as a place of conflict, encounter and artistic expression.

2018 – 2020

The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the rights of children and the youth; to bring young people from vulnerable groups closer to the theater by enabling them to participate in the development of theater performances, not only as an audience, but also as participants.

beyond the chapters 2017 – 2020

This project IS A CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS to the eu accession processes, and the reform of society in Serbia through the application of EU norms and standards that promote cultural diversity as well as participatory democracy.

woman in an equal europe 2016 – 2017

The creative process with a feminist framework are mobilized to research and reflect on the experiences of women living in the European Union and the power of EU policies to promote gender equality, human rights and inclusion. This project involves four European partners from Ireland, Spain, Croatia and Serbia and uses the creative processes of theater and film as well as online resources to promote a greater understanding of women’s rights.

in/visible city [Long -term project]

Starting from the fact that our cities, in their distant past, and especially today, are multi-ethnic cities; with a large number of inhabitants of different origins and cultures, and that this consciousness has faded due to crises and wars that created multi-ethnic tensions and misunderstanding; we have created in 2005 a project that deals with the promotion of different ethnic cultures that coexist until today.

focus / for culture in serbia 2013 – 2015

DAH Theater and Group 484 set to work in Kruševac, Vranje, Novi Pazar and Užice, gathering together with professionals, activists, associates, colleagues and friends from the independent cultural and artistic scene, from cultural institutions and schools- to “conquer public space for the needs of culture and art!”

2012 – 2013

The Project of empowering young women to monitor government policies in the field of gender equalityThe aim of the project is to create a regional partnership of civil society organizations that will contribute to the implementation of gender equality laws, policies and action plans in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Networking Memories
2011 – 2012

The purpose of the project is to create a new and sustainable network between 8 civil society organisations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Kosovo and Serbia (DAH Theater) which aims to involve citizens in the concept and implementation of joint activities.

Supported by programs of European Union