Performance inspired by Children’s Rights and realized in the frame of the RIGHT4KIDS Project.
The right to proper education belongs to all children and young people without discrimination as regards their race, gender, language, or faith. The fight against the exploitation of children and other impediments against their growth and development are just a few of the problems our children face in modern society. The show is based on Article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: “When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children. All adults should do what is best for children.”
The initial research for the show was done in collaboration with young people without parental care within the SOS Children Villages Foundation.
Using the structure of fairy tales and their deconstruction, the show explores the problematic side of the world in which we live, with the idea of raising awareness of the rights of young people and children, but also of inspiring and motivating us not to close our eyes to the violation of these rights but to build a path for their application.
The performance For Your Own Good is part of the Rights4Kids project that DAH Theater produced with partners from Italy (Fondazione Aida and A.T.T.I. Theatrical Association), Greece (AeroplioTeatar and Action Sinergy), and the Czech Republic (Performalita).
Directing: Dijana Milošević
Dramaturgy: Duca Knežević
Acting: Ljubica Damčević, Evgenija Eškina Kovačević, Ivana Milenović Popović, Ivana Milovanović
Assistant Directing: Dijana Mitrović, Niko Popovich
Music: Ljubica Damčević
Objects: Neša Paripović
Lightning Design: Milomir Dimitrijev, Radomir Samolov
Voices: Ljubica Damčević, Ivan Nikolić
Voice recording: Zoran Vasiljević
Video directing: Jadranka Anđelić
Video editing: Una Škandro
Organisation: Sanja Gašpar
Marketing director: Ivana Milenović Popović
PR and Social networking: Marko Milojević
Translation: Dijana Mitrović, Niko Popovich
Texts from: Declaration of the Rights of the Child; Shakespeare William. Macbeth; Brothers Grimm, Hansel and Gretel; Cinderella; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Zipes, Jack. Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion; Bettelheim, Bruno.
The Uses of Enchantment; Aviv, Rachel. “The Trauma of Facing Deportation,” The New Yorker (March 27, 2017); Santiago and Others, “Resignation syndrome in hidden tears and silence,” International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2019,
Vol. 65/80-82; Salin and Others, “Resignation Syndrome: Catatonia? Culture Bond?”, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (January 2016); Long, Clara. “Kids in Cages: Inhumane Treatment at the Border.” Human Rights Watch Testimony
(July 2019).
Documentary materials from the children and youth protests from around the world were used in the production.