The project uses the creative process in a feminist framework to research and reflect upon the experiences of women living in the European Union- and the power of EU policies to promote gender equality, human rights and inclusion. [2016-2017]

This transnational project involves four European partners (from Ireland, Spain, Croatia and Serbia) and involves the creative processes of theater and film as well as online resources to promote a greater understanding of women’s rights, and the positive changes that have taken place in the field of gender equality.
The project identifies 20 stories of positive change experienced by women – 5 from each partner country – that resulted from belonging to the European Union.
Using artistic and political activism, the project promotes equality and women’s experiences of living in Europe to enable women’s voices to be heard and recognized.
Smashing Times Theatre and Film Company, Dublin, [Ireland] (project carrier)
Instituto de Formacion Y Estudios Sociales (IFES), Valencia [Spain]
Mirovna grupa mladih Dunav, Vukovar [Croatia]
DAH Theater Research Center, Belgrade [Serbia]
Period of realization: 2016 -2017
Project supported by the European Union, the Europe for Citizens program.