This performance deals with the theme of violence, using the form of the obscure circus. The characters who perform the ‘circus acts’ are the artists and visionaries who defined our times, dancing a dark tango with their persecutors. [2002]
CIRQUE – (Fr.) circus: in Roman times, an arena used for chariot races and gladiator games; in the modern age an amusement that usually occurs in a large tent with animals and different performers.
MACABRE – (Fr). danse macabre- the Dance of Death
The artists and visionaries performing this circus must tango with those who persecuted them. Alongside their dance, anonymous soldiers march with the sound of prayers in different languages, advancing across the planet, with no pause, in endless time.
Joining them are the characters from the Balkan Circus in the shape of desperate dancers that cannot stop their dance of passion and blood. Will they arrive to the new age? And have we as a society and individuals really entered the new age; wondering is it really new, or have we remained in the museum of time in which the politicians in their gray shiny suits are replacing the visionaries? And do we also put on gray shiny suits, or should we walk through the dark in which the “stars can best be seen”?
Performers: Aleksandra Jelić and Maja Mitić
Music (composed and performed by): Aleksandra Damnjanović, Nebojša Ignjatović, Jugoslav Hadžić
Scenarist and director: Dijana Milošević
Scenography: Neša Paripović
Lights: Radomir Stamenković
Costume: DAH Teatar
Construction of buildings: Nikola Tasić- ARBOS
Assistant director: Jelena Dakić
Texts: original texts from the testimony of Bertolt Brecht, held by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Bertolt Brecht, Martin Luther King, prayers from different religions, Dijana Milošević
Realization supported by:
City of Belgrade- Secratariat for Culture, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia