FATE – Future Academy on Tour in Europe – aims to create a connection between newcomers – refugees and migrants and EU citizens through artistic training, inclusion and increasing employment in the cultural sector. The aim is to generate
interest in the employability of talented/professional creative migrants and refugees and to ensure that these “new players”, have equal job market opportunities in the cultural sector, compared to local artists and creative professionals.

Supported by Creative Europe Programme of European Union, five international partners unite their forces and their expertise in the FATE project: ZID Theater – City Art & Performance Center (The Netherlands), Atalaya/ TNT (Spain), Social Community Theater Centre/ University of Turin (Italy), DAH Teatar (Serbia) and Studio 7 (Germany).
Developing, testing and documenting a training method for “new players” – i.e. professional performing artists and producers with a migrant and refugee background who wish to pursue a professional career in the arts in Europe. Creative professionals with a migrant and refugee background have limited opportunities to find work in their professional field in new countries. The partners believe that it’s these people’s “destiny” to stay in Europe and that they should be facilitated to participate in a full and sustainable way in the cultural life of their city, region, country and continent.
With FATE we want to ensure that creative young people with a refugee or migrant background can participate equally in the professional art and culture sector, both on stage, behind the scenes and within organisations. Various studies have shown that participation of these young people in the professional art and culture sector in Europe is still very limited. With this project we endorse our mission to make art and culture accessible for everyone, both locally and internationally.
After two years in the process together, the partners developed various creative results of the project: performances with artists migrants “Sueños en travesía” by TNT/Atalaya [Spain] and “No fear” by ZID Theatre of Amsterdam
[leader of the project].
Together with two smaller production related to the topic of the project: performance “Terra” by Dah Theatre from Serbia and “CianÇa” by Studio7 from Germany.
In the final phase of the Project there will be a conferences in each partner’s country to present the results of the work for the general public and organizations involved in the arts and migrants issues. Methodology used in
the project will be published in the FATE Handbook. FATE digital platform will allow professionals, participants, partners and policy makers across Europe to access the knowledge and methods developed in this project.