Raising Environmental Awareness through Performing Arts
This European cooperation project, supported by CREATIVE EUROPE PROGRAMME, gathered artist and researchers from seven countries: Germany, Greece, Ireland, Norway, The Netherlands, Spain and Serbia, with a common goal
to raise environmental awareness and to activate citizens in protecting trees and against climate changes [2023 – 2026].
About us
The partners, united in the project to creatively respond to the need to mobilise society in the protection of trees and the natural environment, are: PROTAGON a.V [Germany], ACTION SYNERGY [Greece], AEROPLIO Theatre [Greece], SMASHING TIMES [Ireland], GRENLAND FRITEATER [Norway], TNT [Spain], ZID THEATRE [The Netherlands] and DAH Theatre.
Partners Training Meeting, Belgrade, 24 – 28. April 2024
“How to promote environmental awareness through theatre”
The meeting involved all the partners and included presentation of the performance Dancing Trees by DAH Theatre, workshops on the methodology, guest speakers-experts and partners’ exchange and project development discussions.
Guest speakers: Antonella Diana – curator of Art & Nature LAB, Land artists, head of The Scenographic Lab at Teatret OM [Italy/Denmark], Iva Čukic, architect, urban ecologist [Ministry of Space, Serbia], Jovana Bila Dubaić, expert
in bee ecology [Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade] and Vladimir Djurdjević, climate change expert [Faculty of Physics – Dept. Meteorology, University of Belgrade,].
Photos: Nata Korsky
“The less obvious emotional and impulsive way to process scientific information might be the most effective after all. So we start to see how art, creative and cultural practices can potentially play a role in the issue at stake”. – Ganga Shreedhar, Assistant Professor in Behavioural Science in London School of Economics
To increase the environmental awareness of the public and to stimulate its active stance in issues related with climate change.
To transfer at a European level a successful approach on how theatre can be used against climate change.
To promote the intercultural awareness and exchange on issues related with climate change.
The project develops through:
• 5-day meeting in Belgrade with workshops/training for artists from 7 European countries, who will become acquainted with the project methodology and share their own knowledge end expertise [April 2024].
• The creation and promotion of the new theatre performances based on the original approach in 6 European countries and their presentation at least 10 times in front of the local audience in each country [2024/2025].
• The organisation of three International Festivals where all the performances are going to be presented in front of the local audience of the hosting country [2025].
• The organisation of live and online conferences and courses for the transfer of expertise to theatre organisations and artists beyond the project partners and countries [2025].
• Production of the documentary film about the Project.
The Project includes various disciplines such as ecology, science, performing arts, visual arts, music, cinema, social activism, digital technology and activism.
• Experts in climate change are going to be involved in the research process about the trees and ecosystem and their analysis. Written studies and interviews will be an important background of the project concept and its results.
• Performing artists will be involved in the research process and learn about climate changes and ecosystem as much as in the creation of the final artistic product.
• Composers will create music for the outdoor performance especially inspired by the life of the trees.
• Visual artists will create the videos projected in the performance, inspired by effects of climate changes.
• Film artists are going to be involved in shooting of the documentary about the project.
• Ecological organizations and climate activists are also going to be involved in networking and sharing ideas about the project activities.
• Scientists are going to be involved in the research process as well as in the round table together with representatives of the local green movements.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Creative Europe Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.