This month is dedicated to our open-air performance, DANCING TREES, which we play this year until the end of October and then wait for better weather in the spring! We are participating in the art+science festival program of the Center for the Promotion of Science – CPN, on October 6 at 8 p.m. in the “Jevremovac” Botanical Garden. After that on October 13 and 19, at the “old place”, the Student Park in Belgrade.

In Madrid, from October 29 until November 2, we are at the Transitable Theater Territories in Theatre Residui, a meeting dedicated to the presentation of contemporary creations, training and exchange between the public, young artists and the most important artists who have significantly marked the history of group theatre at European and international level (among them DAH Theatre). Part of the meeting is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the ODIN Theater with the presence of founder and director Eugenio Barba and actress Julia Varley.



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