The autumn season begins with intensive activities. From September 5 – 8, Dijana Milošević presents 25 GLASSES OF WINE at the Global Artivism Conference in Pretoria [South Africa] and she is one of the key speakers at the SINGING IN THE DARK TIMES Conference [European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education, September 11 – 15, in Ghent [Belgium].

On September 8 – 20, Ivana Milenovic leads a workshop and together with Milica Petrović presents the activities and mission of the HOPE Project at the International Frauen Theater Festival, Antagon Theater in Frankfurt [Germany]

From September 20 to 21, Jadranka Andjelic, Dijana Milošević, Nataša Novaković will participate in the International Days of Peace in Mostar [BiH], where we will play the TERRA and 25 GLASSES OF WINE. The entire event, organized by the The Network for Building Peace, is an additional opportunity for the promotion of peace and reconciliation in countries and the region, inviting decision-makers to resolve conflicts peacefully. The conference is dedicated to building positive peace, and performances are primarily intended for young people, workshops are dedicated to strengthening organizations in local communities, learning about other cultures and reconciliation.

DANCING TREES will be play on September 26, in the Arboretum of the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, where this summer we had the pleasure of performing an ambient walking performance – the SECRET LIFE OF THE ARBORETUM!


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